Winning Projects 2011: Go Green!



Ilumexico is a sustainable response to the lack of electricity services in impoverished communities in Mexico. Using a solar powered led lighting system, Ilumexico also has a social program teaching people to understand the importance of using clean technologies in their communities and the impact on the reduction of CO² emissions they are helping to achieve. The main pillars of Ilumexico are renewable domestic technology, social responsibility, efforts to slow climate change and productive projects strengthening local economies.


Aventones is a service to create environmental awareness and improve the quality of life in cities, by enabling and promoting carpooling within organizations. In an urban environment like Mexico City, which scores top marks (99 out of 100) on the IBM scale ranking the emotional and economic toll of commuting, Aventones goes against the conventional municipal grain of just building more roads. Instead, Aventones chooses to give citizens the tools to make a change in commuter habits. Client organizations such as companies, universities and public authorities, pay an annual fee for access to…

Friends of Nature

Sahabat Alam(Friends of Nature) is an environmental education and action website to stimulate the younger generation, the inheritors of the earth, in their love for nature and the environment. Located in Indonesia, a vulnerable archipelago country of islands with a total population of about 238 million and displaying the world’s second-highest level of biodiversity, Sahabat Alam was inspired by twelve-year-old Adeline, a child alarmed by the disastrous effects of climate change. The action plan for sustainability, including green energy and clean water projects, school conferences, seminars…


eMazingira Enviromental Campaign

eMazingira, the word, is a combination of the first letter of the word electronic and the Swahili word mazingira (meaning environment). The eMazingira Environmental Campaign will enable citizens in Kenya to report environmental-related cases such as deforestation through their mobile phones by sending text messages to a specified number (shortcode). This cases will also be mapped on an online portal for public viewing once verified and directed to the relevant environmental bodies in the country for action. All this is aimed at enhanced environmental conservation and ownership of the process…

Dexters for Earth: Lets GREEN the BLUES

We Aim is an internationally acclaimed Student Organization working in the field of Education, Environment and Child Rights. We do many field projects besides workshops, fests, and inter-school events to help the youth rise as “Agents of Change.” On realizing that a significant chunk of our young population is on Facebook and they uselessly spend their time on the networking site. I launched the online Edition of Dexterity, an inter-school fest organized by We Aim High and called it Dexterity Question of the Day, back in 2010. Every day a question was posted on our Facebook page and the first…

End Kerosene Generation – 1 milion Solar Laterns

Less than 20% of the entire population in Nigeria has access to electricity. Most people are poor, living with less than $2 per day. A subset of this population; about 50% are youths without any form of livelihood. An average of $30 is spent monthly on either kerosene or dangerous Candle to provide electricity at night. Most of the remote communities in northern states are without connection to the grid and them, respiratory problem, lousy eyesight and water contaminations via hazardous kerosene spillage remain an endemic battle to fight. Solar Fitila (lamp) will provide clean and safe…